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Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter Monday: Seeking and Recognizing Him

Today's Devotional

Seeking God

You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you.  Psalm 63:1

It’s inspiring to watch people’s passion and dedication in pursuing their dreams. A young woman I know recently graduated from college in just three years—a task that took total commitment. A friend wanted a particular car, so he worked diligently baking and selling cakes until he reached his goal. Another person who’s in sales seeks to meet one hundred new people every week.
While it can be good to earnestly seek something of earthly value, there’s a more important kind of seeking that we must consider.
In desperation, struggling in a desert, King David wrote, “You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you” (Psalm 63:1). As David cried out to Him, God drew close to the weary king. David’s deep spiritual thirst for God could only be satisfied in His presence.
The king remembered meeting with God in His “sanctuary” (v. 2), experiencing His all-conquering love (v. 3), and praising Him day after day—finding true satisfaction in Him that’s not unlike enjoying a full and satisfying meal (vv. 4–5). Even during the night he contemplated God’s greatness, recognizing His help and protection (vv. 6–7).
Today the Holy Spirit convicts us to earnestly seek after God. As we cling to Him, in power and love God holds us up with His strong right hand. By the leading of the Spirit, may we draw close to the Maker of all good things.
By:  Dave Branon

Today's Scripture  Psalm 63:1–8


Cause and effect. That’s what forms the pattern of Psalm 63:1–8, which traces David’s inner spiritual journey while in the wilderness of Judah. Verse 1 is the acknowledgment of his need for the presence and power of God. David’s need is deep and fundamental. Like water in the desert, God is the one thing he needs for survival. In verse 2, he has found this “water.” He’s discovered the power and glory of God. With the need and discovery expressed, verses 3–8 now chronicle the psalmist’s response: praise, satisfaction, singing, thinking about God, and clinging to Him. David shares his desire for God, which leads to his discovery of God, and results in his declarations about God.

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