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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Our Easter Stories

Hi, Brothers and Sister,

Today I just opened up my BSF email.  Easter is this Sunday.  Even though we are in trials and tribulations now, we know we can count on God and Jesus Christ, as well as the Spirit within us, to overcome this pandemic adversity.  Go into the Easter Stories.  Christ will bring us peace and the ability to go forward.  Amen!

God Bless America!

Click into https://bsfblog.org/sharing-the-easter-story/.

Your Brother in Christ,
David Tse


Dear David,
Easter is coming. This year, we invite you to share the Easter Story with friends and loved ones through an interactive guide.

This extraordinary time of Christian remembrance and celebration arrives in 2020 surrounded by unusual circumstances. Christians who normally gather to celebrate Jesus’ victory over the grave will join together on screens, not in church sanctuaries. The mounting cares and concerns brought by the global COVID-19 pandemic could distract us from the unstoppable victory Jesus won through the Cross and empty tomb. How do we keep our eyes on the prize, Christ’s triumph, rather than this world’s troubles?

Jesus’ Resurrection proves there is nothing He cannot overcome for His glory and our good. He defeated sin, death and Satan – mankind’s fiercest foes. A microscopic virus may have shaken this world, but God’s plan and purposes remain unshaken. We worship the God of resurrection power. God brings life from death and hope from despair. We can trust Him.

Easter 2020 calls us to remember all that Jesus won for us. Romans 8:11 tells us that same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead dwells within God’s children. God has called us to be heralds of hope, and Easter 2020 provides a grand opportunity to do that.

May this home training lesson provide an opportunity for your family to find unshakeable hope in our risen Savior.

Serving together,

Debbie Young
BSF Chief Curriculum Officer

Sharing the Easter Story

T  he Easter story is full of emotionally charged moments. It ends with resurrection, hope, joy, the forgiveness of sins and the promise of eternal life for those who trust in Jesus Christ. But it begins with a series of agonizing events: betrayal, arrest, denial, a trial, mockery, beatings, crucifixion and death. Jesus went through an unbelievably painful experience. What makes it even more unbelievable is that He could have stopped all of it. How? Because He is God the Son. He has all the power and authority of God. But He didn’t stop any of it. He endured all of that pain and cruelty for us. Why? To save us. To give us hope for eternity.
Many of us are currently experiencing a time of unprecedented pain, fear, loss and confusion. Every corner of the world is affected by this global pandemic. We are united in our suffering, but as believers and as families we can also be united in our faith, trust and hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Let us not only hold onto our faith but also lead our families into the Easter season with celebration and hope. You undoubtedly have access to countless Easter-themed materials from your church and various other ministries and individuals. Our intention is not to present yet another obligation you have to fit into your upturned life right now. But we do want to provide a resource that you can turn to for help (and hope!) if and when you need it.
Connect with your family and with the Lord during this time in ways that work best for you. Choose activities that will help your family learn, grow and have fun together. And feel free to come up with creative ideas of your own!

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