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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Devoted Heart / Rich Man Bully


A Devoted Heart

Bible in a Year :

He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. —

Today's Scripture


Jehoshaphat’s devotion to the Lord is evidenced by his obedience to God’s Word (17:4). He removed idols (v. 6) and sent teachers all over the country to teach the Scriptures (vv. 7-9). When in trouble, he trusted in God (20:6-12).

A successful Christian businessman shared his story with us at church. He was candid about his struggles with faith and abundant wealth. He declared, “Wealth scares me!”

He quoted Jesus’ statement, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God” (Luke 18:25 niv). He cited Luke 16:19-31 about the rich man and Lazarus and how in this story it was the rich man who went to hell. The parable of the “rich fool” (Luke 12:16-21) disturbed him.

“But,” the businessman stated, “I’ve learned a lesson from Solomon’s verdict on the abundance of wealth. It’s all ‘meaningless’ ” (Eccl. 2:11 niv). He determined not to let wealth get in the way of his devotion to God. Rather, he wanted to serve God with his assets and help the needy.

Throughout the centuries, God has blessed some people materially. We read of Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 17:5, “The Lord established the kingdom . . . so that he had great wealth and honor.” He did not become proud or bully others with his wealth. Instead, “his heart was devoted to the ways of the Lord” (v. 6).  Also, “he followed the ways of his father Asa and did not stray from them; he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord” (20:32).

The Lord is not against wealth for He has blessed some with it—but He’s definitely against the unethical acquisition and wrong use of it. He is worthy of devotion from all His followers.

By:  Lawrence Darmani

Reflect & Pray

Giving thanks to God often helps us learn contentment with what we do have. What are you thankful for?

Wealth or no wealth, devoted hearts please the Lord.

Bully Rich Man Donald Trump

Mary Trump Says Uncle Suffered 'Narcissistic Injury' In Debate And Won't Recover

Story by Lee Moran
 • 3d •

Mary Trump on Wednesday praised Vice President Kamala Harris for inflicting what she described as a “narcissistic injury” on her uncle, Donald Trump, during the opening minutes of Tuesday’s presidential debate.

Democratic nominee Harris’ way of getting under her Republican opponent’s skin just made him “unravel,” the former president’s niece told CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

“He couldn’t recover and honestly, he’s not going to,” she added.

Harris “so brilliantly” gave “both substantive answers to questions to help the American people get to know her better and what she’s going to do for our country while going straight at Donald’s vulnerabilities,” continued Mary Trump, who is a vocal and frequent critic of her relative.

Cooper read a paragraph from Mary Trump’s new book, “Who Could Ever Love You,” in which she detailed her uncle, as a child, being a “thin-skinned bully who beat up on younger kids but ran home in a fit of rage as soon as somebody stood up to him.”

“That is one of the most damning and dangerous things about Donald Trump and that is one of things that makes him most unfit, he’s never evolved from that. That’s still who he is,” Mary Trump told Cooper.

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