About Me

About Me

Me and Angel Gabriel sculpture behind
I am a regular church-going Christian who was alarmed and disconcerted over the fact that 80% of my fellow Bible-believing Christians voted for and supporting Donald Trump as President of the United States.

I was baptized Roman Catholic during infancy and served as an altar boy in high school until I went off for college.  I had a born-again experienced during my divorce over twenty-five years ago and baptized in a Southern Baptist church.  Most of my Christian understanding came from Sunday Bible studies and what I learned from the more intensive BSF classes that cover the basics of evangelical doctrines.  I almost never ever missed a Sunday service with its accompanying ministry in my Christ walk as it is imperative for Christians to be sustained and part-share among God's community and His blessings.

I consider myself as Christ's disciple.  For almost twenty years I have the Spirit's prompting to be a missionary.  In His inscrutable ways God had not paved my path to foreign lands but I nevertheless practiced my "missionary work" in my neighborhood, got myself into Big Trouble, good trouble I say, which I praise God's providence in His special calling for me.  I am an engineer and consider myself an environmentalist and social activist.  Every day I see God's imprints and thank Him to be my shepherd and life guide.

I have had the heart for the weak among us since a young lad.  When I was six I witnessed a group of kids harassing an African boy on the street of Hong Kong.  I felt the urge to intervene but felt so helpless as I followed the group along, seeing them going about their infantile hitting on the hapless lad.  This rooting for the underdogs was furthered ingrained after my family emigrate to the United States where I truly grew up.  After all, Superman also has a heart for the weak, fighting evils, and stands for truth, justice, and the American way.

Four years ago I did not vote for Donald Trump as I watched in dismay on his incessant bloviating among his large and fervid followers.  What happened during those rallies reminded me of the Hong Kong rogue kids and in a more macabre way, resembled a Jim Jones Sunday service at the People's Temple forty-five years ago.  During those services, grim-looking sunglasses wearing enforcers stood in the sanctuary's periphery, looking to snuff out anything that could disturb the charlatan's ranting, even a baby's cry.  It was dark time in San Francisco when he brought hundreds of his docile followers to Guyana where they perished by mass suicide ingesting cyanide laced Kool-Aid drinks along with the shooting death of a Congressman who flew out to investigate this jungle paradise.  This was the infamous Jonestown Massacre which was known the world over.

From the moment he sauntered down Trump Tower's gilded staircase, Donald Trump and his presidency is an American People's Temple in the making.  He had caused nothing but chaos for the dear country I grew up in, love, and cherish.  For the past four years Donald Trump and his enablers were wreaking havoc, disregarding international obligations, weakening American alliances, breaking social trust, gaslighting the American public, and convince his followers, Bible-believing Christians included, to drink his Jonestown Kool-Aid.  This is why we must not let Donald Trump continue another term as President and I must as Christ's disciple to do what I could to prevent four more years of Trumpian erosion of American social fabric and wanton destruction of American political and governing, institutions.

This is why I write this blog to warn my fellow evangelical Christians of our blind and misguided trust of Donald Trump.  I never got myself into electoral politics in my life but it is God's calling, as I had responded to Him in times past, to warn my brethren who give their unwonted trust and blinkered view of Donald Trump, whom in God's eye the Devil's Apprentice.  We must all work preventing America from fallen into dystopia.
I also do this for my grandchildren's future

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