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Monday, April 20, 2020

Dangerous and Irresponsible President

Donald Trump said “These are people expressing their views,” he explained. “I see where they are, and I see the way they’re working. They seem to be very responsible people to me, but they’ve been treated a little bit rough.”  He sounds the same tune as he said about Charlotteville when he only saw where the white supremacists come from and wholehearted agree with those folks.
'Dangerous': Governors decry Trump support of coronavirus protesters
Allan Smith NBC News

Governors across the country on Sunday criticized President Donald Trump's expression of solidarity with those protesting various state-issued stay-at-home orders, saying his comments are "dangerous" and "don't make any sense."

The one that’s raised hopes isn’t the one that President Trump has been hyping.

a person walking down a sidewalk in front of a building: Image: A man waves an American flag during a rally against California's stay at home orders in San Diego on April 18, 2020.
© Ariana Drehsler Image: A man waves an American flag during a rally against California's stay at home orders in San Diego on April 18, 2020.

"I don't know any other way to characterize it, when we have an order from governors, both Republicans and Democrats, that basically are designed to protect people's health, literally their lives, to have a president of the United States basically encourage insubordination, to encourage illegal activity," Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, a Democrat, told ABC's "This Week, adding, "To have an American president to encourage people to violate the law, I can't remember any time during my time in America where we have seen such a thing."

Inslee said Trump's comments were "dangerous" because they "can inspire people to ignore things that actually can save their lives." Trump's promotion of the protesters was "hobbling our national efforts to protect people from this terrible virus."
"And it is doubly frustrating to us governor because this is such a schizophrenia, because the president basically is asking people: Please ignore Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx. Please ignore my own guidelines that I set forth, because those guidelines made very clear, if you read them — and I don't know if the president did or not — but, if you read them, it made very clear that you cannot open up Michigan today or Virginia," Inslee said. "Under those guidelines, you need to see a decline in the infections and fatalities. And that simply has not happened yet."
The past week saw an increasing number of protests across the country where demonstrators railed against the coronavirus restrictions that health experts say are necessary to curtail the spread of the virus.
The protesters have said they believe the shutdowns, which have harmed business and stunted leisure activity, have gone too far, especially in areas that haven't seen major outbreaks like those in New York and New Jersey. But health experts have warned it won't take much for a relatively unaffected place to become a hot spot, as just one infected person is able to spread the virus to several others.
The protests, which have been promoted in large Facebook groups with names such as "Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantine" and "ReOpen NC," have seen a large pro-Trump contingency, with demonstrators wearing and waving Make America Great Again gear, as well as "Don't Tread on Me" flags. Protests, like "Operation Gridlock" in Michigan, the largest of the demonstrations so far, have been organized and promoted by leading conservatives. Some have even been seen waving Confederate flags at the rallies.
he rallies have led to crowds gathering in close proximity, with many participants forgoing masks and violating social distancing guidelines that have been put in place.
Late last week, Trump cheered the effort to "LIBERATE" Michigan, Minnesota and Virginia, three states with Democratic governors. He defended those tweets Friday, saying that he thinks some states stay-at-home orders "are too tough," adding he feels "very comfortable" with his tweets.
"These are people expressing their views," he said. "I see where they are and I see the way they're working. They seem to be very responsible people to me, but it's — you know, they've been treated a little bit rough."
The administration last week released guidelines for how states can begin easing restrictions, recommending a multi-stage process that includes robust testing. Governors on Sunday said Trump's encouragement of the protesters was confusing considering the new guidelines.
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican, told CNN's "State of the Union" his state is "doing everything we possibly can to reopen in a safe manner," but "I don't think it's helpful to encourage demonstrations and encourage people to go against the president's own policy."
"The president's policy says you can't start to reopen under his plan until you have declining numbers for 14 days, which those states and my state do not have," he said. "So then to go encourage people to go protest the plan you just made recommendations on Thursday — it just doesn't make any sense. We're sending completely conflicting messages out to the governors and to the people as if we should ignore federal policy and federal recommendations."
Speaking with NBC's "Meet the Press," Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, a Republican, said he's asked protesters to "observe social distancing" and "we're all big believers in the First Amendment."
"They were protesting against me yesterday and that's just fine," he said. "They have every right to do that. We're going to do what we think is right, what I think is right, which is try to open this economy but do it very, very carefully so we don't get a lot of people killed. But we have to come back and we're aiming to do that May 1. It's very consistent ... with the very thoughtful plan the president laid out."
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat, told CNN that Trump was focusing on protests after being "unable to deliver on tests."
"And this is not the time for protest," Northam said after Trump encouraged gun rights activists in his state. "This is not the time for divisiveness. This is time for leadership that will stand up and provide empathy, that will understand what's going on in this country of ours with this pandemic. It's the time for truth. And it's the time to bring people together."
new NBC News / Wall Street Journal poll conducted just before the announcement of the administration's new reopening guidelines showed that 58 percent of registered voters are more concerned that America will "move too quickly in loosening restrictions" and cost more lives than they are about the country taking too long to loosen the orders. Meanwhile, earlier last week, Trump said he was "not going to put pressure on any governor to open."
Speaking with "Fox News Sunday," Vice President Mike Pence addressed Trump's encouragement of the protests, saying "no one in America wants to reopen this country more than" Trump, and that "when the president speaks about re-opening America it's all about encouraging governors, as soon as they determine as most proper and most appropriate to be able to do that and do that quickly."
Pence told "Meet the Press" that the U.S. has "to make sure the cure isn't worse than the disease," and that there are "real costs" to staying shut down, pointing to business closures and health risks tied to isolation.
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who has instituted one of the most restrictive stay-at-home orders as her state deals with one of the worst outbreaks in the U.S., told "Meet the Press" on Sunday she stood by the measure.
"Michigan right now has the third-highest number of death from COVID-19, and yet we're the 10th largest state," she said. "We have a disproportionate problem in the state of Michigan. And so we could take the same action that other states have, but it doesn't rise to the challenge we're confronting. And that's precisely why we have to take a more aggressive stand."
"Who among us wouldn't rather forgo jet skiing or boating right now it's going to save your grandparent or your neighbor's life," she later told CNN. "And that's precisely what the trade-off is in this moment."

'It's going to backfire': Fauci says anti-quarantine protesters could prolong shutdown
Mike Brest

Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the leading experts in the White House's response to the coronavirus, warned demonstrations happening across the country protesting the quarantine orders will prolong the shutdown period.

Residents in at least 20 states have taken to the streets to protest their governor's stay-at-home orders, arguing that the country should start to reopen and recover from the virus. More than 21 million people have lost their jobs in the last four weeks.
Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was asked about the dangers of these protests during an appearance on ABC's Good Morning America on Monday.
“I think the message is that, clearly, this is something that is hurting from the standpoint of economics, from the standpoint of things that have nothing to do with the virus,” Fauci said. “But unless we get the virus under control, the real recovery, economically, is not gonna happen.”
“If you jump the gun and go into a situation where you have a big spike, you’re gonna set yourself back,” he continued. “So as painful as it is to go by the careful guidelines of gradually phasing into a reopening, it’s going to backfire. That’s the problem.”
President Trump has espoused a very different tone when addressing the lockdown protests.
Last Friday, he urged that people of Michigan, Minnesota, and Virginia "liberate" themselves and reopen their economies in social media posts. He was later asked about it during a White House press briefing, where he said that some of the governors had implemented restrictions that were "too tough" but stopped short of saying the government leaders should revoke the orders.
Anthony S. Fauci wearing a suit and tie
Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said she was considering extending social distancing guidelines in response to Michigan residents who protested her stay-at-home restrictions on Wednesday.
Trump claimed that the protesters were being responsible in how they were demonstrating.
“These are people expressing their views,” he explained. “I see where they are, and I see the way they’re working. They seem to be very responsible people to me, but they’ve been treated a little bit rough.”

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