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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

No Fear on Wayward Evangelicals and Donald Trump

Two items from the last Our Daily Bread post struck me.  The first being the staircase to the unknown, with fog and mist obscured ominously as time marches toward November 3.  The second was the Reflect & Pray section with the question "What are your deepest and most persistent fears? How can meditating on God’s promises help you overcome your fear and anxiety?"

Indeed next week all America is exercising our votes, either thru early voting, mail-in-ballots, or on Election Day, in what we consider as the most important election in our lifetime.  Regardless of the outcome on November 3, America is still walking into a bank of fog.  With the re-election of Donald Trump, I could only see the fog getting thicker, darker and more ominous.  With the election of Joe Biden, even though as America sigh a breath of relief as we get rid of the chaos at the top, our path is still not clear as our nation still have to search for its soul because it was utterly decimated during four years Trump presidency.  Donald Trump is the manifestation of many ills in our society.  Even when he no longer president, he will not stop causing chaos and division as Trumpism is the byproduct of the American social and political fabric in the last forty years.  It won't go away soon.

As for my response for the prayer question, personally I have no persistent fears now because I had been walking with God since my family broke up long long time ago.  

Then my deepest and most persistent fears were the upbringing of my two children as I was afraid that children of divorce will have high potential of developing deep scars and develop problems later in life.  That fear had turned out not to be as both are having successful careers.  Most importantly, my children developed into God-fearing Christians, married devout Christians, and on their way to build Christ-centric families of their own.  God answered my most fervent prayers and allay my deepest fear to show his glories.  God had been faithful to me and I, to limited extent, had been faithful to God. 

Since I had already put my life on the hands of God, I should not and will not have deep nor persistent fears as that could only mean backsliding on my commitment to God.  We all will have life's constant worries, but I will have no fear as my life belongs to Jesus Christ and I know his plan for me will always be good.  My only worry is whether I could be misreading the call of the Spirit and do things that grieve the Lord.

My view on our society and nation is completely different.  I do have deep and persistent fear for our society.  Much like my divorce long time ago, our nation's future now look uncompromising and ominous indeed.  Just like my fear on my children's character development then, I fear the deterioration of American character.  Instead of being the light upon the city on the hill and beacon of hope for people all over the world, we saw the deterioration and fracturing of the American political and moral character, much of it was driven by my religious evangelical community.

The past four years witness the constant attacks and subsequent erosion of U.S. democratic institutions by the President of the United States, the very one who should defend and strengthen them.  Even more pernicious, it was my spiritual homes, the Christian evangelical community, who was and continue to be, the abettor and enabler of Donald Trump's wrecking of American institutions and poisoning of democratic environment.

Since the time I began my personal walk with Christ, the evangelical community in the social and political realm, had gone to the harlots.  American evangelism had developed into a political culture with it's network of cultish institutions that strives to impose its cultural values on the rest of society.    Evangelicals had developed its political and cultural truths for others to abide by, dogma that cannot be transgressed, and liturgies to practice by.  Outward it proclaimed itself to be biblical and spiritual, but in true essence the evangelical political ecosystem turned itself into a toxic cauldron of materialistic, worldly, heathenistic mix with no semblance to what Jesus Christ asked for.

The past forty years evangelicals had corrupted Christian faith and fractured the American nation.  American evangelism had turned into a cultish communities with no regard to facts and truths, supporting authoritarians and dictators, paragon of personal and social controls, worshippers of mammon. With the community's anointing of Donald Trump and his installation of evangelical toadies into key federal departments and regulatory agencies to destroy what American relied on the past 70 years.  Because of evangelical politics, American politics had gone into the dark realm with no end in sight.

And yet, we will remember the Words of our faithful Father in Heaven.  In spite of all the dark forces, evangelical or otherwise, working in America, we are still God's favored nation.  The faith in our Father in Heaven will allow us to work thru this mess and to become an exemplary and Godly nation.  God promised we are the true lights of the city on the hill.  God-fearing people will pray for and strive to rid evangelicals of hypocrites, curing wayward Christians' thirst for power, unrighteousness and come back to Jesus Christ as exemplar of personal, social and political behaviors.

Godly people should not despair in this moment of darkness in the life of our nation.  We may seem to be polarize and divided, Satan may seem victorious and have his say at this point, but love, justice, and righteousness will prevail.  Are are seeing democracy is receding within our society and all over the world because of Donald Trump. But we need not despair because America is a nation of believers and we must keep it this way if we are to survive.  God will rid us the curse of Christian Nationalism because it was Satan's construct in his demonic attack on God's kingdom.  We have to remember Jesus Christ is more powerful than Satan and His will be done.  So we need not to worry about the nation's future as long as we are acting righteously and walk Jesus' walk.  Our God is the God of Love, Justice, and Mercy and we need not fear because Fear is what Satan wants.

Just like the beginning of my Christ walk, America's walk toward God's righteousness will be long and hard, at times we won't even get what we hoped for, but just like the walk of Joseph, God's plan will be fulfilled in his own time in his own way.  That is America's destiny.

But the first step is for God-fearing Christians to get rid of the liar and deceiver Donald Trump as United States President.  He is the ugly face of American evangelicalism.  All God-fearing Christians, with God's help, must exorcise him from their hearts and start relying on God instead.

Christians!  No votes for Donald Trump!

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