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Sunday, October 4, 2020

Donald Trump: Intruder to American Democracy and Christ's Church

The question posed in today's Our Daily Bread asked "What 'intruder' might God be asking you address to another?"  For the past year God had prompted me to do my part to warn American Christians and especially Evangelicals* with whom I'm very much a part of to extricate themselves from the stranglehold Donald Trump and the Devil had on them.

This idea of Donald Trump as the Intruder of American democracy and God's kingdom did not come about upon this reading of Our Daily Bread but instead came my revelation from God back in August 2019.

My former abode

Back then I was living in a damp and cold room in back of a garage.  My kitchen was a microwave oven and the sink was the garage sink.  It's only source of daylight come from a narrow glass slit situated right below the ceiling which is only a tad above the backyard's ground level.  You can call that room below grass level. I was satisfied with that arrangement because that was what God provided and everything God provides is good.

That day I spend the whole day for my nephew's move.  The work was hard and long but really not out of the ordinary because I had perform much more strenuous tasks before.  I went back home, took a short rest, drank a cup of milk, and settled down for the night.

Around three in the morning I woke up by a cramp on my right thigh.  That in itself wasn't strange because it happened before after one long 20 miles jog and the cramp disappeared after some massaging I went back to sleep.  The cramp went away a short massage and I tried to go back to sleep.  But then after 5 minutes the cramp came back, not only that, my left leg started to cramp up just like the right.  This was the first time in my life that I have cramps on both legs. It was painful!  Every time I lied down in bed the cramp would act up and the only way I could prevent it from happening was slanting on my chair.  So much for getting back to sleep.

The position with no thigh cramps

While convalesing on my chair I wondered what I did differently.  I realized I drank from a freshly opened gallon of milk, except it was expired and tasted a bit strange. 

bought expired milk because it's cheap

You may ask why I drank from a carton of spoiled milk.  Well, I always pride on my body in that I could eat any kind of food, expired or not, and never got any food poisoning nor diarrhea and this was the umpteenth time I drank expired milk.  No germs or bacteria could hurt me.  Moreover, spoiled milk causes diarrhea but not cramp.

Since lying back down to sleep could only be an excruciating option, I prayed to God to see what message He's telling me.

Back then in August 2019 our country was in the tail end of the Mueller investigation.   President Donald Trump and attorney general William Barr put up all sort of obstacles for Robert Mueller that would be inconceivable in Richard Nixon's time.  It was clearly obstruction of justice that Donald Trump could never gotten away with it 50 years ago but he was doing it with impunity now.  The was the period before the impeachment, the pandemic, economic collapse, George Floyd, and the Trump tax return.  It was very clear Donald Trump and his enablers were thumping their fingers at key elements of the institutions of American system of justice and accountability.  He and his enablers were eroding the key element of American democracy that meant to check executive rogue behaviors.  The Russian investigation was doomed from the get-go.

My upbringing was not to waste food.  As long as I could ingest it I would, spoiled or not.  This is a very bad habit I could not get rid of.  After all, I never suffered bad consequences for this, no stomach aches nor diarrhea, the sure sign of food poisoning.  I could finish that whole gallon of expired milk.

gone went the cheap milk

Then I realized God is telling me to pure that gallon of spoiled milk down the garage sink.  In spite of my immunity to spoiled milk, God was telling me to get rid of it because it's no good for my body and spirit and Donald Trump is the spoiled milk of America. We must pour him out and stop drinking his spoiled contents.  As a disciple of Christ and born-again Christian God was telling me to warn my spiritual brethren wake up and expel Donald Trump and Trumpism from God's community.  After that revelation I went back to bed, no cramps, no nothing.  Everything's fine after I woke up, though in late morning.

For decades we elevated our American system as the paragon of democracy.  We are the city upon the top of the hill as we set upon ourselves as the plumb line other lesser nations to emulate.  We looked down at third world countries as barbaric banana republics.  With the dissolution of the U.S.S.R. we have shown our system of republicanism and capitalism as the end of history with the Washington Consensus.  Even with the backsliding of Poland and Hungary to undemocratic practices with their president and prime ministers start destroying their incipient democratic institutions we observed with self-satisfying detachment because we think ours are too strong to sink down to their levels.  This is the American illusion of our strong culture and institution, just like my own view of my impregnable immune body.

Then to our astonishment came 2016, what was considered as unthinkable happened.  The American election system drank and took in the spoiled milk in Donald Trump, abetted by evangelical Christians.  What followed were four years of cramps and paroxysm that culminated in the innocuous Mueller Report, impeachment, trade wars, pandemic, economic breakdown, George Floyd, tax report, and the Supreme Court tragedy.  Our body politics is telling us we cannot take it anymore.  What was impossible is happening.  This is God's warning.

In order to get back to God's grace, we must pour out our spoiled milk, Christian evangelicals' spoiled milk, to make America as a true nation of God.  Christian evangelicals are deceiving themselves and blasphemed God by proclaiming Donald Trump as King Cyrus and God's "broken vessel" when God is presenting this Devil's Apprentice as the personification of the dark side of American Evangelism.

God is telling Evangelical Christians their way is the crooked way and they have to see what everyone can see in broad daylight that Donald Trump is His abomination.  Evangelicals must stop their undying worship of Donald Trump with all his warts and ugliness.  It's high time to stop excusing his evil ways by saying that King David sinned as well.  They could not see the difference is that King David had the heart for God and Donald Trump has the heart for the Great Deceiver himself. All the things he said and done throughout his narcissistic life were abominations in God's eyes and everything Christians did for or enable him will be remembered in the Book of Life and abominations as well. Donald Trump is the Devil's Apprentice who leads evangelicals  to their final destruction at the Lake of Fires.

Donald Trump is the "spoiled milk" and we must pour him down our kitchen sink. He is the Intruder who's out to destroy American democracy and the Intruder in God's kingdom.  This November 3 the American electorate must expunge this cancer in American politics and Christians must expel this Intruder from their system.  American Christians cannot afford to join their megachurch false teachers to their doom on Judgment Day.  Good Christians will caste their votes for Jesus Christ and not the Devil's Apprentice and the Prince of Chaos.

Former shared bathroom.  Here is where Trumpism should go - down the toilet


It's been a long time since my revelation in the spoiled milk in Donald Trump.  My previous postings were mere repost from other sources.  You may call this writer's block but I'm not a writer but merely an ordinary engineer.  You may call this useless because unlike Donald Trump, I don't tweet or know how to use Facebook.  I'm not a religious leader like Tony Evans, Franklin Graham, or the pastor of my daughter's former church, John MacArthur.  I'm only an evangelical participant in the well-regarded weekly Bible Study Fellowship, not even a group leader. You may call this exercise of futility because nobody would this blog anyway.

But it doesn't really matter because I'm doing this out of God's prompting.  Just like all God-fearing Christians, I am God's servant and strive to be His good disciple. God has His plan.

Just like Pharoah in Moses' days, American evangelicals are a stiff-neck bunch.  God gave them signs and warnings in impeachment, modern plague, wild fires, storms and hurricanes but they don't budge.  God had hardened their hearts just like he hardened Pharoah's.  God's message is His displeasure of seeing His own children be the enablers of Donald Trump's evil ways.  God is distraught because they have no faith and took matters in their own hands.  God is angry over their lust for money and political power.  The patient God is waiting for them to repent because God is a God of Mercy and does not want to kill the Evangelicals' first borns.  Would evangelicals reflect on their sins and conscience?  Only God knows.

These are His message for American Christians.  For this I obey.  I will write as much as I could in this final month of the presidential election.  I pray for God's help because all these times Satan had sowed doubt on my effort.  But I know God will prevail.


*By Evangelicals I include both Protestants and Catholic evangelicals.  They include the largest Protestant denomination Southern Baptists, Pentecostal, Prosperity Gospels and other charismatic movement.

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