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Monday, October 19, 2020

Noah's Flood and American Evangelicals

I was doing my weekly Bible Study Fellowship homework on Genesis 5-7 relating to Noah’s walk with God, his faith in Him, and his obeying God’s instruction.   One homework question relates to how is the flood an encouragement to some and a warning to others.

Most every one knows the Bible's story of Noah's Ark and his saving his family and all other creatures on earth from God's flood that destroyed the evildoers of this earth long time ago.  The story of Noah in the Bible showed that mankind had gone evil to such extreme that God regret His creation and had to start everything anew.  God left a way out for humanity through a righteous man, Noah, and promised he would never flood mankind again and gave us rainbows as a sign of this hope of humanity's redemption.

The lesson of the Flood is cogent to me because everyday we all should strive to walk the way of the Lord, seeking His mercy and guidance in our thoughts and what we do.  I pray that we can be like Noah in Genesis 6 and 7 and like Isaiah in today's Scripture, putting out all the noise of the world and in the stillness of the moment, hearing God's voice over and above the dins of our worldly life.

Noah showed us the way out of God's wrath by Faith.  But God also promised destruction and utter annihilation for men following their evil ways.

For my evangelical brethren all evils evolve around abortion and homosexuality.  This fetish with sex matters and human creation process in the past forty years was a toxic brew that Satan set up for Christian evangelicals to fall into that culminated with their anointing of Donald Trump as the Christian king.  Instead of putting their faith in God and Jesus' love evangelicals place their trust in Guns and Donald Trump.  For this original sin out comes all evils escape from the Trump Pandora Box.  Thru the Flood story God is promising evangelicals destruction if they don't come out of their evil ways perpetrated by Satan's siren call for an evangelical world.

Evangelicals claimed their anointing of their King Cyrus Donald Trump will bring God's Kingdom on Earth.  Instead they brought out militia, racists, QAnon, riots, looting, chaos, divisions, and paving America the way to authoritarianism.  They brought inexperienced evangelical fakes into key government position to sabotage government institutions, Department of State, Labor, Justice, HUD, CDC, Census Bureau, etc. upsetting the morale of government experts and threaten civil servant experts who dare to speak the truth and expose these evangelical usurpers.  Trump and the evangelicals made the swamp thicker than ever.   And evil upon evils, they encourage Donald Trump and their fellow evangelical toadies to disrupt the voting process and if they lose the election, refuse to concede.  Satan really got evangelicals on the hook.  There will never be peace on earth and good will to men with Donald Trump on the evangelical throne.

The Flood is an object lesson for American evangelicals.  Four years ago many evangelical Christians may not have followed or knew about Donald Trump's evil and contemptable behaviors throughout his entire life and career.  The most they knew about was his reveling in touching females' private parts and that they forgive for the promise of goodies Donald Trump about to give them.   But after he ascended the throne of presidency almost every single facet of his life and being had been exposed, examined and analyzed.  For the last four years Donald Trump had shown the world what a corrupt, unscrupulous and evil person he is.  He made no effort to conceal himself and all that he stands for.  He had a way of making all his evils virtuous.  He lied, blasphemed, misused the Bible, dog-whistling supremacist memes, instigate society chaos and division, licking up to authoritarian and dictators, eroding democratic and government institutions, avoiding paying tax, corruption ad nauseum.  And yet, with the blinker Satan placed on them evangelical refused to see these evils, just like the evildoers in Noah's day.

If evangelical leaders like Franklin Graham resemble the prophet Nathan at all, they would have the courage and wisdom to rebuke Trump's policies and personal behavior like Nathan did to King David. Instead, these false teachers sucked up to Donald Trump and seek his favors, behaving more like those Baal prophets serving up to Jezebel's desires, prostrating and licking up to King's Ahab's court. Evangelicals were drunk with ecstasy when Trump let them sing Amazing Grace inside the White House's East Room - not knowing in God's ear all those song and dance were screeching noise came out of the devil's den - and allowed these preachers lay hands for a good photo-op.  They will go back to their church and encourage their flocks to follow their lead to abide by Trump's evils and heathen ways.  God's warning to evangelicals is that if they don't repent, they will be destroyed just like the evil perpetrators in Noah's days.

In November 2016 American evangelicals showed themselves the anointers of the Devil's Apprentice.  Throughout the past four years they prostitute themselves inside Ahab's court and gave full throat to his power grab and send its own members to aggrandize power and join in with their loots.  Then God send signs and wonders to this American Pharoah and his evangelical followers.  God gave the Russia investigation and showed Trump's contempt for Congress and clear obstruction of justice.  Then God gave his impeachment where he compromised national security and American honor for his own political purpose.  God send the Covid-19 plague and Trump botched it all up with his lies for his pursuit of his re-election, resulting in 210,000 American deaths and 8 million infections.  Finally, God send the subsequent economic breakdown that send millions of people to unemployment and family difficulty.  And yet the evangelical false teachers and rebellious prophets who proclaimed themselves "children of God" follow this charlatan and refuse to acknowledge God's signs and call him a Christian man and the greatest president for the evangelical Christians.  Indeed, Donald Trump is not the President of the United States the past four years who serves all Americans.  Instead, he is the President of the Evangelical Confederacy.

In the past forty years evangelicals were wondering in the American Sinai and they thought Donald Trump is the Joshua who can bring them to the evangelical Promised Land.  What they got was an American Pharoah and they become his chariot warriors.  God send all these signs and stiffen Donald Trump and evangelical Christians' necks.  If they don't repent quickly, evangelicals and their Pharoah, in their pursuit of slaves and political power, will be drown and destroyed by the closing of the Red Sea.

The Noah story when juxtaposed with Jonah's story created a clear contrast.  The minor prophet Jonah was supposed to give God's warning to the inhabitants of Ninevah of their pending destruction if they don't change their evil ways. The king and inhabitants heeded Jonah's words, repented, and saved from God's wrath.  Will evangelicals repent like the inhabitants of Nineveh, or they are more like the people in Noah's day?  We will know this November.

This November's president election American evangelists will show the world and to God whether they are God's children or the prostitutes in Ahab's court.  If evangelicals give the kind of support they give Donald Trump four years ago it will be the doom of American evangelicalism.  The world will see that the true face of evangelicalism is not of Jesus Christ but that of Donald Trump.  Nothing evangelicals say or do will mean anything that could construe as sanctifying.  Their message of personal salvation will not carry the fragrance of Christ but rather the stench of Satan.  Satan would feel victorious indeed.

My Christian brethren, God is all merciful and provide options.  You can cast a vote for Jesus Christ, just like Maryland governor's write-in for Ronald Reagan.  That will show God and the world that evangelical Christians are humble enough to repent and evangelical politics still have a whiff of human decency.  Let's pray this will turn out the case.  Amen!

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