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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Live in Freedom / Fascism and Moms for Liberty


Live in Freedom

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.

Today's Scripture


The book of Galatians addresses one of the toughest issues the early communities of believers in Jesus faced: how to understand and relate to the requirements of Mosaic law, especially for gentile believers. Should gentile believers be required to be circumcised and to follow other aspects of Mosaic law? Some were teaching this very thing. Paul’s encounter with the risen Jesus, however, convinced him that the law should be interpreted differently—as leading to and finding fulfillment in Christ (Galatians 2:19–21). To require believers to follow the law when Christ had already made them right with God and won their freedom (5:1, 4–6) would be “a different gospel . . . no gospel at all” (1:6–7).

In Texas, where I grew up, there were festive parades and picnics in Black communities every June 19. It wasn’t until I was a teenager that I learned the heartbreaking significance of Juneteenth (a word combining “June” and “nineteenth”) celebrations. Juneteenth commemorates the day in 1865 when enslaved people in Texas learned that President Abraham Lincoln had signed the Emancipation Proclamation giving them their freedom—two-and-a-half years earlier. Enslaved people in Texas kept living in slavery because they didn’t know they’d been freed.

It’s possible to be free and yet live as slaves. In Galatians, Paul wrote about another kind of slavery: living life under the crushing demands of religious rules. In this pivotal verse, Paul encouraged his readers that “it is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1). Believers in Jesus had been set free from external regulations, including what to eat and who to befriend. Many, however, still lived as if they were enslaved.  

Unfortunately, we can do the same thing today. But the reality is that Jesus set us free from living in fear of man-made religious standards the moment we trusted in Him. Freedom has been proclaimed. Let’s live it out in His power.

By:  Lisa M. Samra

Reflect & Pray

How have you been trapped by religious rules? How have you experienced freedom in Christ?

Jesus, thank You for setting me free from the burden of oppressive rules.

Learn more about finding your God-given calling.

The 5 Themes of Fascist Education

Story by Jason Stanley
 • 1d
The 5 Themes of Fascist Education

Society /

To fight fascism, we need to protect honest and fearless teachers.

Jason Stanley
Copyright © 2023 by Jason Stanley. Adapted from the book Erasing History: How Fascists Rewrite the Past to Control the Future, by Jason Stanley. to be published by One Signal Publishers, an Imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc. Printed by permission.

My father was 1 year old when, on May 10, 1933, the Nazis carried out a massive book burning on Opernplatz, not far from his family’s apartment. Chief among the items the Nazis burned were the contents of the vast archive of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (the Institute for Sexual Science), which was at the time the world’s most extensive collection of research in queer theory. According to the German American historian George L. Mosse, the institute’s Jewish director, Magnus Hirschfeld, “became a constant target of attack” after the book burning: “His own name and that of the Institute for Sexual science…which he founded in 1919, were used as metaphors for sexual perversion, symbols of the threat to bourgeois respectability posed by Weimar Berlin.”

The Nazis not only targeted Jewish intellectuals who studied queer perspectives but also sought to eliminate any suggestion that queer life was or could be normal. To do this, they would need to do more than terrorize figures like Hirschfeld—they would need to completely remake the country’s education system.

One way that the Nazis worked toward this goal was by encouraging the public to draw a connection between overly permissive educational practices and what they saw as “sexual perversion.” During the Weimar era, a small number of German educators had undertaken progressive and experimental reforms, lending students more agency in classrooms, eliminating corporal punishment, and adapting their schools to focus on “individual development, social interaction, and educating students for practical reality”—in other words, training them for participation in civic and democratic life.

These reforms were a reaction to the conservative nationalist educational model of pre–World War I Germany, which had been designed principally to support German military conquest under Kaiser Wilhem II, which was still dominant in the Weimar era.

Nevertheless, the Nazis saw even these incremental reforms as an affront and trained their propaganda machine on the country’s education system, seeking to make it even more militaristic and supportive of their nationalist aims. Their campaign of demonization linked progressive educational reforms not only to sexual perversion but also to Marxism, to draw together traditional social conservatives and wealthy business elites in a coalition against democracy and its institutions.

Educational matters were not a fleeting or insignificant area of focus within Nazi politics. The professed goal of Nazi educational policy was to defend the nation’s children from obscenity and “Marxism,” but in the Nazi imagination this task was inextricably bound up in a broader narrative of national victimhood that had lingered across much of the population ever since the 1919 Treaty of Versailles, which brought World War I to an end by confiscating about 10 percent of Germany’s territory and forcing it to pay reparations.

The aim of the Nazi education system—to transform the country’s young people into committed ideologues—was a natural extension of Germany’s pre–World War I educational model, which had focused on militarism and German supremacy. Adding Nazi educational practices and ideas to an education system with already strong antidemocratic elements produced an army of Germans willing to die for the fatherland.

What we can see from this example of Nazi Germany, and from studying other instances of fascist movements around the world, is that there are five major themes of fascist education:

  1. National greatness
  2. National purity
  3. National innocence
  4. Strict gender roles
  5. Vilification of the left

These themes are essentially different ways that fascist movements stoke grievances among the dominant group they serve in order to further their aims. In the process, they are careful to eliminate any contradiction of their narrative. This would include, for example, any scholarly research revealing flaws in national myths, any form of education that clearly reveals national guilt, any suggestion that diversity and plurality might be beneficial to society, or that more equitable gender relations might be beneficial, or that the political left is significantly less of a threat than they imagine.

Fascist social and political movements thrive off a sense of grievance. The Nazi education system emphasized German loss of lands in the Treaty of Versailles, blaming this loss on Jews (i.e., national innocence). According to Nazi propaganda, Jewish people were the source of the mythical “stab in the back” that had caused Germany to lose World War I. The allegation was that social-democratic politicians had betrayed the German army by entering into peace negotiations. Germany, therefore, was not to blame for the outcome of the war at all but had instead fallen victim to Jewish betrayal. Thus, all of the punishments the country had endured, particularly the loss of territory in Europe and colonies in Africa, could be traced back to the Jews. The idea that Aryan Germans should seek revenge for this betrayal was a central feature of Nazi propaganda.

The preexisting German education system that the Nazi government inherited when it took power already contained many of the elements of a fascist education—and it eagerly built upon them. The Nazi education system’s focused particularly on national greatness, taking Hitler’s words in Mein Kampf to the extreme: “Only those who through school and upbringing learn to know the cultural, economic, and above all the political, greatness of their own fatherland can and will achieve the inner pride in the privilege of being a member of such a people.”

This education system, and the propaganda apparatus it encompassed, especially the Hitler Youth, was responsible for Germany’s turn against cosmopolitanism. As the historian Gilmer W. Blackburn notes, “The Nazi success in galvanizing overwhelming national sentiment for the regime’s short-term goals appears beyond refutation. German youth, for the most part, proved receptive to simplified heroic legends and to black and white comparisons, and German teachers succumbed just as meekly to Nazi Gleichschaltung, or coordination.”

As Hitler intended it, heroic biography was meant to be the foundation in national exceptionalism, as it so often is in the United States. The exceptionalist narrative in American education has been sharpened into the very aim of education by the Trump movement. In a much-touted speech in September, during the fall 2020 presidential campaign, then-President Donald Trump introduced the White House Conference on American History with a speech about his education vision and, by extension, the education vision of his movement:

Our mission is to defend the legacy of America’s founding, the virtue of America’s heroes, and the nobility of the American character. We must clear away the twisted web of lies in our schools and classrooms, and teach our children the magnificent truth about our country.

With an education system that emphasizes national greatness and subtly or explicitly some version of national purity, it becomes easier to lay the basis for fascism’s most powerful political trope: Great Replacement Theory, which claims that an internal enemy is trying to destroy the nation from within by importing people to “replace” the nation’s defining national group.

Great Replacement Theory has proven time and again to be a motivator for mass killing. This is true both of historical incidents of ethnic cleansing and genocide and of contemporary examples, such as the series of mass killing by people not affiliated with a state, carried out mostly during the 2010s and ’20s—in some cases by murderers who self-identify as fascist. According to this specific iteration of Great Replacement Theory, known as the White Replacement Theory, global elites seeking to diminish the power of white people have enabled the mass immigration of supposedly “high fertility” minorities.

Since 2011, this version of Great Replacement Theory has been the explicit motivation for the murder of over 160 people in such killings, including Anders Breivik’s 2011 slaughter of 77 people in Norway, Dylan Roof’s mass murder of Black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina, in 2015, the Tree of Life synagogue killings in 2018, the murder of 23 people, most of whom were immigrants, at a store in El Paso, Texas, in 2019, and the mass murder of ten Black people in a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, in 2022, also by a White Replacement Theory–obsessed young white man.

In Nazi ideology, it was Jewish people who were behind the plot to replace Germany’s Aryan population with non-Aryans (both the 2022 Buffalo supermarket killer and the Tree of Life synagogue killer believed Jews were behind white replacement). We have a great deal of historical evidence, both from European fascism and, more recently, from mass killings, that targeting a group of people as internal enemies responsible for replacing the nation by immigrants is dangerous. In the United States, Donald Trump has made Great Replacement Theory a theme of his presidential campaigns and his administration, blaming the plot not on Jews but on his political opponents and Democrats more generally. According to this ideology, his political opposition, the Democrats, are secret Marxists who seek to open the borders to non-white immigration, thereby displacing the white race numerically, culturally, and politically, using the results to place themselves in perpetual power. This is precisely what Hitler suspected of the Jews.

Whereas fascist education often serves to absolve the nation of its past sins, or simply erase them, the dominant narrative pushed in the United States today takes a slightly different form. According to this account, the United States did commit significant national sins—particularly its perpetuation of chattel slavery. But the seeds to overcome these sins lay in America’s founding documents, written by heroic white men—the founding fathers—whose visionary plan for the country charted a path not just to America’s absolution but also to its unique world-historical greatness. Slavery, according to this myth, was stamped out by a white man, President Abraham Lincoln, together with the heroism of what is typically presented as an entirely white Union Army. Finally, the last vestiges of racism were dispelled by the actions of a singular Black man, Martin Luther King Jr., whose radical ideas are reduced, in this narrative, to a single line from his 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech, which is misinterpreted as a plea for color-blindness.

Of course, the idea that racism has ended in the United States is patently false—but so too is the idea that the country’s founding documents provide a basis for absolution.

There is a continuum from supremacist nationalism to fascism. The German education system’s long-standing focus on German supremacy, even before the Nazi’s rise to power, smoothed the path for that country’s turn to fascism. Fascism survives off myths that create an out-group, who are relegated to, at best, second-class citizens. Schools and universities allow for critical inquiry into these myths, and so attacks on them are always the canaries in the coal mine of authoritarianism.

An education system that represents its own country as standing above all other nations in greatness and innocence makes that country susceptible to fascism. That’s why part of what is needed to stave off the collapse of the information space needed for a democracy are honest and fearless teachers. That’s why there are no American-style liberal arts colleges in authoritarian countries. 

10 Examples of How Moms for Liberty Are for Anything But Liberty and Freedom

Story by Mark Romano
 • 3h 
Moms for Liberty has positioned itself as a champion for parental rights and freedom in education, but their actions often tell a different story. This group, while claiming to advocate for liberty, promotes policies that restrict personal choice and challenge diverse perspectives in schools. Many parents and educators question how a movement that rallies against certain books and ideas can truly call itself a defender of freedom.

With chapters across 45 states, Moms for Liberty has gained visibility in education politics. Their push for influence in school districts raises concerns about the limits they want to place on curriculum and expression. This blog post explores ten notable examples that highlight how their agenda can contradict the very values of liberty and freedom they purport to support.

As this discussion unfolds, it becomes clear that the issues at stake go beyond educational choices. They touch upon broader themes of inclusivity, freedom of speech, and the diverse fabric of American society.

Defining 'Liberty' and 'Freedom'

Liberty and freedom are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings.

Liberty refers to the protection of individual rights and the absence of oppression. It's about having the legal and social space to make choices.

Freedom, on the other hand, can mean the power to act, speak, or think without hindrance. It's more about the ability to pursue personal desires.

Here are some key differences:

10 Examples of How Moms for Liberty Are for Anything But Liberty and Freedom© Mark Romano

In a democratic society, both are essential for human dignity.

Moms for Liberty positions itself as a champion of parents’ rights. Yet, their actions often contradict their claims about supporting true liberty and freedom for all.

By limiting access to certain books or topics in schools, they restrict the freedom of students to learn and explore. This creates a tension between their stated goals and the actual impact of their actions.

Understanding these terms helps clarify the debate around organizations like Moms for Liberty. It shows how their belief system can shape policies that may not align with broader definitions of liberty and freedom.

Educational Censorship

Educational censorship is a growing concern as different groups push to control what students learn. This movement often focuses on banning books and shaping classroom discussions, which can limit students' exposure to diverse ideas.

Banning Books

Banning books has become a notable strategy. Groups like Moms for Liberty often target specific titles that address topics like race, gender, and sexuality. They argue that these subjects are inappropriate for students.

Many schools have faced pressure to remove certain books from libraries and reading lists. This action creates gaps in education. Students miss out on important discussions about society and history. For instance, classics that tackle civil rights issues may get pulled. This not only limits freedom of choice but also diminishes critical thinking skills in young readers.

Controlling Classroom Content

Controlling classroom content is another tactic used by Moms for Liberty. They advocate for removing lessons that introduce concepts related to social justice and identity. Their focus is often on ensuring that political views align with specific ideologies.

Teachers may find themselves restricted in how they address topics in class. This can lead to a watered-down curriculum that avoids important issues. For example, discussions about historical injustices might get minimized or skipped altogether. When educators cannot discuss various perspectives, students lose the chance to develop a well-rounded understanding of the world around them.

Opposition to Inclusive Policies

Moms for Liberty often challenges inclusive policies, focusing on LGBTQ+ rights and racial equity. Their stance leads to heated debates within communities, limiting the support for diversity in schools.

Resistance to LGBTQ+ Rights in Schools

Moms for Liberty has actively opposed policies that support LGBTQ+ students. This includes pushing back against discussions about gender identity and sexual orientation in classrooms.

They argue that these topics should not be part of school curriculums. Their campaigns often focus on banning certain books or materials that include LGBTQ+ narratives.

Many school board meetings see strong vocal opposition from Moms for Liberty members. Their influence raises concerns about students feeling safe and represented, as they push for a more traditional approach to education.

Challenging Racial Equity Initiatives

Moms for Liberty also opposes racial equity initiatives in schools. They argue that these programs create division.

Members often claim that teaching about systemic racism is anti-American or promotes “critical race theory,” even when such teachings are not part of the curriculum.

This opposition can lead to the rejection of programs aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion. They seek to eliminate discussions that highlight historical injustices, which can prevent students from understanding different perspectives.

This resistance can limit resources meant to support marginalized students, impacting overall school culture.

Parental Rights Overreach

Moms for Liberty often advocates for parental rights in ways that some see as overstepping boundaries. This can affect health and safety measures in schools and infringe upon the choices of other families. The implications of these actions are significant and raise questions about individual freedoms.

Health and Safety Measures

In their push for parental control, Moms for Liberty has challenged essential health and safety protocols in schools. One notable example is their opposition to mask mandates during health crises. They argue that parents should decide whether their children wear masks, but this stance can compromise the safety of the entire student body.

Additionally, this group has pushed back against vaccination requirements. By questioning established health guidelines, they risk creating environments where preventable diseases could spread. Their actions often ignore the broader public health implications, focusing solely on individual parental choice.

Infringing on Other Parents' Choices

Moms for Liberty’s focus on parental rights can inadvertently affect other families' rights. For instance, when advocating for book bans in schools, they impose their values on all students. This limits access to diverse perspectives and important topics, which can help shape young minds.

Moreover, their initiatives can place undue pressure on educators. Teachers may feel forced to avoid certain subjects to comply with parental demands, impacting the quality of education. In this way, the push for expanded parental rights can lead to a narrowing of educational content, which can harm all students.

Interference with Curriculum Development

Moms for Liberty often challenges curriculum decisions in schools. Their actions raise concerns about how their involvement affects educational choices.

Critique of Curriculum Experts

Moms for Liberty has taken steps to question the expertise of curriculum designers. They believe that parents should have a strong say in what children learn. This point of view often leads to dismissing input from educational professionals.

For example, when schools adopt certain materials, these parents might push back, labeling them as inappropriate. This can create tension between educators and parents.

The result? Educators may feel pressured to alter lesson plans to appease concerned parents. This interferes with the educational process.

Limiting Teacher Autonomy

Teacher autonomy can take a hit when groups like Moms for Liberty get involved. Teachers typically select materials and methods to suit their students' needs. When parental groups pressure schools, it can limit educators' choices.

For instance, teachers may shy away from diverse perspectives in literature or science due to fear of backlash. Instead of encouraging open discussions, they might stick to safer, less controversial topics.

This restricts students' learning experiences. A narrow focus on certain viewpoints can limit critical thinking and understanding. It affects the overall educational environment, making it harder for students to explore complex issues.

Advocacy Against Evidence-Based Education

Moms for Liberty actively challenges the principles of evidence-based education. Their actions raise concerns about the reliance on established research and factual history in schools. Here’s a closer look at two significant aspects of this advocacy.

Rejecting Scientific Consensus

Moms for Liberty has been known to oppose scientific findings, especially those related to health and education. They tend to favor personal beliefs over the conclusions supported by experts.

For example, this group often questions the importance of mental health initiatives that rely on data-driven approaches. They argue against programs that highlight the impact of social and emotional learning, dismissing them as unnecessary. This kind of rejection can limit students’ understanding of crucial topics like mental health and wellness.

Promotion of Historical Misrepresentations

The group also promotes selective versions of history that misrepresent facts. In efforts to influence school curriculums, Moms for Liberty pushes for bans on teaching slavery and civil rights topics. They believe these subjects create discomfort for students and parents alike.

This advocacy can lead to an incomplete education. Omitting such key historical events prevents students from understanding the complexities of race and society. Instead, students may be presented with a sanitized view of history that ignores significant struggles and achievements.

Political Maneuvering

Moms for Liberty actively engages in political strategies to influence local education. They focus on targeting school boards and use emotional tactics to push policy changes.

Electioneering School Board Campaigns

Moms for Liberty aims to place their candidates on school boards across the country. They have launched campaigns to support candidates who align with their conservative values.

Their strategy involves grassroots efforts in communities, mobilizing parents and like-minded individuals. They organize events to drive voter turnout and raise awareness about school issues. This focus on local elections has made them a notable player in education politics.

With over 275 chapters in 45 states, they work to ensure representation that echoes their vision. This approach creates a network that can effectively challenge opposing views.

Policy-Making Through Fear

Another tactic employed by Moms for Liberty is using fear to influence policy decisions. They often highlight issues such as critical race theory and gender identity in schools. These topics can evoke strong emotions among parents.

Moms for Liberty calls for book bans and strict policies regarding curriculum content. By framing these actions as necessary for children's safety, they gain support from concerned parents. This fear-based strategy is effective in achieving their goals.

Their messaging resonates with many who feel anxious about modern education. By capitalizing on these fears, they seek to reshape public education to fit their ideals.

Undermining Professional Educators

Moms for Liberty has been criticized for actions that challenge the authority and expertise of teachers. This approach can create a hostile environment for educators and diminish the quality of education students receive.

Dismissal of Teacher Expertise

Moms for Liberty often questions the qualifications and methods of professional educators. They argue that teachers are not to be trusted with sensitive topics, claiming these professionals push certain ideologies.

Teachers spend years studying and training to understand how to educate their students effectively. By undermining this expertise, the group can create a divide between parents and educators. This can lead to conflicts at school board meetings and an atmosphere of suspicion.

Such actions might result in teachers feeling unappreciated and undervalued. When teachers worry about their job security or reputation, it can lead to less effective teaching practices.

Encouraging Distrust in Educators

Moms for Liberty advocates for transparency in schools. While this sounds good, it often breeds distrust among parents towards educators.

By promoting ideas that teachers are responsible for indoctrinating students, they create fear and concern among parents. This makes parents more likely to challenge teachers' decisions or methods without a clear understanding.

Such distrust can harm the classroom environment. Educators might feel the need to look over their shoulders, impacting their teaching style. Instead of focusing on learning, teachers may spend time justifying their choices to parents and school boards.

This breakdown in trust not only affects teachers but can also create a negative atmosphere for students trying to learn.

Stifling Student Expression

Moms for Liberty has faced criticism for actions that seem to limit student expression in schools. This includes restricting student speech and discouraging critical thinking. These actions raise concerns about how students engage with different ideas and perspectives.

Limiting Student’s Speech and Clubs

Moms for Liberty has been linked to efforts that restrict student speech. This includes challenges to student-organized clubs that promote diversity and inclusion.

For example, some schools have seen pushback against clubs that focus on LGBTQ+ issues. Members of these clubs often face strong opposition, limiting their ability to create a supportive environment.

Parents have voiced concerns about these clubs, saying they conflict with their values. Consequently, school administrators sometimes feel pressured to remove or limit these clubs.

This creates an environment where students may feel unsafe expressing their identities and beliefs. Many students cherish these clubs as their safe spaces to discuss important topics.

Discouraging Critical Thinking

Another concern is the trend of discouraging critical thinking in classrooms. Moms for Liberty promotes a certain viewpoint on various issues, often pushing back against curricula that include diverse perspectives.

For instance, they have challenged books and educational materials that present different historical viewpoints or explore complex social issues.

This can lead to a narrow understanding of important topics for students. It limits their ability to engage in discussions and form their own opinions.

When students are not exposed to a wide range of ideas, they miss out on essential skills needed for critical thinking. Encouraging curiosity and questioning is crucial for their development.

Promotion of Homogeneous Ideology

Moms for Liberty's actions often reflect a consistent pattern of promoting a narrow set of beliefs. This approach can lead to a lack of diverse educational experiences for students. Here are two key areas where this ideology is evident.

Advocating for 'One-Sided' Learning

Moms for Liberty pushes for educational policies that favor specific viewpoints. This often means supporting curricula that highlight conservative perspectives while sidelining alternative ideas. For example, they have opposed lessons that include topics like critical race theory and sexual orientation.

This focus can create a limited view of history and social issues. When students only learn about one perspective, they might struggle to understand broader societal dynamics. Effective education thrives on presenting a variety of viewpoints.

Opposing Diverse Perspectives

The organization frequently challenges programs that aim to include diverse voices. They argue that introducing concepts related to race, gender, and LGBTQ+ identities threatens traditional values. For instance, Moms for Liberty has taken steps to block LGBTQ+ protections in schools, claiming these measures infringe on free speech.

Such actions can lead to an environment where students feel excluded or marginalized. By opposing a rich tapestry of perspectives, they limit students’ ability to engage with the world around them. This stance raises concerns about inclusivity and understanding in educational settings.

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