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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Daily Prayer / Children Gun Violence

The Daily Prayer

Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.

Today's Scripture


Ask God to help you model faith and prayer this week to the younger generation—children or grandchildren, youth in your church, or children in your neighborhood.

For more on prayer, visit ourdailybread.org/topics/prayer/.

Singer/songwriter Robert Hamlet wrote “Lady Who Prays for Me” as a tribute to his mother who made a point of praying for her boys each morning before they went to the bus stop. After a young mom heard Hamlet sing his song, she committed to praying with her own little boy. The result was heartwarming! Just before her son went out the door, his mother prayed for him. Five minutes later he returned—bringing kids from the bus stop with him! His mom was taken aback and asked what was going on. The boy responded, “Their moms didn’t pray with them.”

In the book of Ephesians, Paul urges us to pray “on all occasions with all kinds of prayers” (6:18). Demonstrating our daily dependence on God is essential in a family since many children first learn to trust God as they observe genuine faith in the people closest to them (2 Tim. 1:5). There is no better way to teach the utmost importance of prayer than by praying for and with our children. It is one of the ways they begin to sense a compelling need to reach out personally to God in faith.

When we “start children off” by modeling a “sincere faith” in God (Prov. 22:62 Tim. 1:5), we give them a special gift, an assurance that God is an ever-present part of our lives—continually loving, guiding, and protecting us.

By:  Cindy Hess Kasper

Reflect & Pray

Help me to depend more fully on You in every moment of the day and to rest in the assurance that You are always with me. 

Daily prayers lessen daily worries.

Guns leading cause of death for children, teens: Johns Hopkins study

Story by Matt Spears


Guns leading cause of death for children, teens: Johns Hopkins study

(NewsNation) — A new report from the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions shows firearms were the leading cause of death in 2022 for children and teens ages 1 to 17.

According to the report, 48,204 people were killed by a firearm that year, the second-highest number ever recorded and an average of 132 per day. The study found 2,526 of those who died were children and teenagers, an average of seven each day, and firearms accounted for 30% of all deaths among those ages 15 to 17. Overall, the gun death rate for children and teens has increased 106% since 2013.

The study also highlighted racial disparities in the impact of gun violence. Black children and teens were found to have a homicide death rate 18 times greater than white peers, while the overall firearm death rate, taking into account both homicide and suicide, among Hispanic/Latino youth was more than three times higher than whites.

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Meanwhile, by state, the three highest gun death rates for youth were found in Mississippi, Louisiana and Montana, while the three lowest rates were in Massachusetts, New Jersey and Connecticut.

In light of these sobering numbers, Johns Hopkins researchers advise a comprehensive public health approach to reduce the gun violence epidemic, including laws that promote safer firearm storage, require background checks for those buying firearms from a private seller, removing firearms from individuals at risk for suicide or violence against others and greater regulation of the carrying of guns in public.

The full report is here. Data utilized in the report comes from the Centers for Disease Control’s Underlying Cause of Death database.

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