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Monday, August 31, 2020

The Evangelical Titanic


Just like Jack Phillips, the radio operator on the Titanic, American evangelicals were busying over the calls or their political agenda, relaying messages with one other within their own cocoon.  Their political agenda all but drown out the essence of their spiritual calling to live a righteous life.

The siren call of political power and the lies of Satan make them not seeing the iniquity of their ways, preventing them to see God's signs and hear God's voice.  God had been sending messages to them - pandemic, economic breakdown, civil strives – to warn them that following Donald Trump would lead them to hit the iceberg.   Like Eli’s sons in 1 Samuel 2:12, evangelical leaders to the tune Jerry Falwell Jr. and Franklin Graham, drunk with the trapping of power, sex, and rebelliousness that they couldn’t hear God’s warning to veer from the course Donald Trump had set for them.   Their congregation members number in the tens of thousands and church coffers filled with money and mammon, there’s nothing they could do wrong.  They believe their churches are unsinkable like the Titanic.  The wage of their pride and sins is death, separation from God and end up in no good.

I am no Samuel , just a regular born-again church goer but a fervent disciple of Christ.  A year ago the voice of the Lord came upon me to warn my evangelical brethren the evil of their ways and of their worship of Donald Trump.   The Lord’s prompting had sustained me ever since and  I learned much on about the ways of my fellow evangelicals, especially over their past forty years.

Sensing openings presented by evangelical culture's self-righteousness, know-it-all, and false humility, the Prince of the Air Satan himself lured American evangelicals to the trapping of political authority and feast their un-ending quest for power.  Power upon power, madness upon madness, evangelicals have fallen away from the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ and veering from God’s path that culminated their making Donald Trump as King Saul.  Evangelicals called him to be God’s Chosen, calling him King Cyrus and “broken vessel”, making excuses for Trump's evil ways and worship him like Baal.  For their blasphemy the Wrath of God is upon them.

For four years evangelicals fed the evils of Donald Trump,  encouraged him inflicting untold damages upon God’s country, doing multitude of un-Godly acts, building the Wall, separating children from mothers, depriving the poor and fete the rich, engaging lawlessness from the top down, and defiling God’s creation.  Like Gomer, evangelicals prostitute themselves with the Devil’s Apprentice.

Instead of seeing Jesus Christ, people see Evangelicals in the likeness of Donald Trump.  Evangelicals, both Protestants as well as Catholics, had become the bearers of Bad News and not Christ’s Good News. 

The Adversary had taken over their realms. In their blinkered eyes they cannot see the disapproval of God on their rebellious ways - impeachment, pandemic, economic breakdown, civil unrest.  Like Pharoah, with their cold stone hearts American evangelicals were incapable to see nor discern God’s signs.   Instead of realize God’s anger, they and their false teachers double down and fete their appetite for more power, four more years and beyond.  They think they will build their Tower of Babel and do what God does.  The judgment of God will be upon them and scatter them to four corners of the earth.

Evangelicals need to repent of their sins and transgression for the anger of the Lord is upon them.  Even in the inner sanctum of their being they sensed the evils of King Saul, evangelicals thru decades of pride and bad habit, embraced the grip of Satan and went the way of the Evil One.

The very first task evangelicals must do is to show the Lord they are discarding Donald Trump as their Savior.  By the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit they could free themselves of the snares he and Satan set upon them.  And when they do, they show the world the power and glory of God.   Not doing so the face of Evangelicals could only exude the eerie glow of Satan himself.

Evangelicals must cry out for the help of Jesus Christ to let their eyes see the light.  They must disavow themselves the love of power and place their complete reliance on God and not on their iniquitous ways to achieve God’s plan on earth.  God is lovingly waiting for His prodigal sons coming back to Him.

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